Monday 20 February 2012

Website Workshop

Taken from my old PD book
 Taken from my old PD book

My website:
Screenshot of my website

1.  Title of the website
2. Personal information and contact details
3. each of the three images opens a new page with my work displayed on it (see exmple below)
Scan from my old PD
screenshot from the commisions section of my website

                                                                 Scan from my old PD

 screenshot from the about section of my website
 Scan from my old PD

Overall the website workshop with Chris Arran went well, I was expecting it to be a waste of time as we have already had this workshop with him in the 1st or 2nd year. Despite having a similar workshop in the past, it was a good chance to touch up my website and keep it up to date with some of my new work. Arran was a able to look at our website critically, make suggestions, for example one for me was to have  a lighter background otherwise the contrast between image and website would be too great. He was also able to supply us with a few good links and tips on how to keep a blog running, for example making sure to state why you think a work is bad or good, and not just make a statement out of the blue. I like cake!. It felt nice to get a more professional website up and running, one which I would feel comfortable using to promote myself, instead of my old wishy washy one.

Scan from my old PD

He told us how the tutors would first grade our degree show, then he would do the same and by comparing the marks they would reach an agreed grade. He also stated if there was a big difference between the grades we may be asked to come in for an interview, to give him a better idea of what mark we deserve. He then asked us if there were any things we wanted for him to ask from the tutors. A few things were thrown around such as longer studio hours, and weekend access.

On a side note it was rather strange when I suggested for some more photoshop tutorials, something which has been very lacking in the past 2 years. I feel this would be very beneficial as it is industry standard, something we need to know, but that most of us don. However when I suggested this a fellow course mate, decided to take offense to this for some reason. He started saying that I should do so by asking for help from the other students and that he could "help me out, if I need it". I do not quite follow how asking for software education from a learning institute I pay to teach me is wrong, and that a better alternative is to ask a fellow having a go at me is a better idea. I do not quite understand how a room full of people who have complained about lack of photoshop teaching did not back me up when we had a chance to change it, but oh well. Anyway despite the external examiner giving us a few funny looks during this... verbal exchange, the meeting seemed to go well. I was nice to know that like our dissertation an external tutor will be assessing us as well as our regular tutors.

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