Tuesday 14 February 2012

Second Presentation Document Talk

 scan of my first PD
The meeting with Alexandra was informative, but I did not find it very helpful at this point, as I have not really done much on my presentation document yet. To be honest I feel that I am very behind on my FMP. Jonny has reminded me that I have still not submitted a proposal, after he shot my last idea down (first proposal), and the deadline for the proposal has already passed. I feel that there has been so much going on with the guest speakers and getting things prepared for the Bargate Exhibition that I have had little time to reflect on what I want to do for my FMP. I did speak to Ceri today raising this as a concern and she convinced me to sit down for a few uninterrupted hours and just jot down some ideas. Once I have done this I will find her again just to ask for some opinions and hopefully come up with a proposal.

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