Thursday 1 March 2012

Negotiated Study Revisited

Scans taken from my old PD book (to see images larger simply click on it)

Though not entirely related to my FMP, I felt that easing into the process of drawing on drafting film would be best. Furthermore I needed to test out some drawing techniques while painting with acrylic on drafting film, for example my silkscreen prints always come out very crisp and looked a bit too well planned. Peter Lloyd has commented on this in the past, expressing that he would like to see me loosen up a bit, which is something I will try by revisiting these posters.. Though I do not plan on printing these just yet, I did find it a good way to not only end my Negotiated Study project for good, but also a means of easing into the next one. If these prints turn out well I will follow through with this technique for my FMP.

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