Monday 14 May 2012

Life drawing

Today our life drawing instructor Paul Osborne (here) held his last drawing session of the year, and in my case the last session I will ever have with him and the regular model Kiara. Though I do not really have the time I endeavored to go, just to experience it once again and to say thanks for the years of putting up with me. I felt a bit sad knowing that this was the last session I would be having with them, and that due to my stress concerning the presentation document and final major project I could not really enjoy it as much as I normally would have. This did affect my drawings, as they were not quite up to the level I have reached in the past. Never the less it was a nice exercise using pen and brush work to create a flowing model in quick succession, something I have not done since early January.

Photos of my some of my drawings done that day

The day went well and was a nice change of pace. When we ended at around 4 o-clock I spent the rest of the day cleaning my room, shopping and cooking a nice dinner. I felt that this drawing session was a nice return to stability after all this hectic activity that has arisen with then upcoming deadlines and me still lacking a sizable portion of my work. What worries me is that I will not have finished my project by the time my PD is to be handed in. However if anything I consider myself strong when faced with large workloads, something I developed while doing the International Baccalaureate, so I will square my shoulders (yet again) and continue pressing forward.

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