Tuesday 15 May 2012

Emergency tutorial

Today I had an emergency tutorial with Alexandra at 11:30. This being my last chance for her to see my presentation document and give comments on what to change/redo. I hope it goes well as I wont be able to deal with another negative comment from her. We are 3 days from its deadline, whatever is here now will have to do. Alexandra had a few cosmetic comments:

scans from my sketchbook

She made the comment to change the title of my blog, as it didnt really seem appropriate (see below)
my old blog title 

And I replaced it with this, which because its part of my more recent work and in the same colours as my blogs background makes it much more appealing. That and Alexandra wanted me to add some practical information, just to make it very clear what exactly this blog is all about.

My new and current blog title

I incorporated the elements I enjoyed from my last title into the new one, changed the colour to match, and added some of the practical information.

Alexandra's other main point was that the posts needed to be fleshed out a bit, as well as making them a bit more personal. She said at the moment there is a slight feeling of the PD being an objective 3rd person diary, instead of a recording of my thoughts and actions. When she pointed out these things to me I felt she had a good point, so I will go home and spend the next few days implementing these changes.

I left the meeting feeling very relieved, as I had been fearing Alexandra telling me similar things to the last time I brought her a new PD (here) where I had to redo almost everything. If she had told me that, I would have been forced to stick with this anyway, as this is not a time where I have the time to make great changes.

When I got home, I cooked dinner and began trying to implement these changes, the most obvious one being the changing of the title.

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