Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Presentation Document Disaster

The day started well with me presenting Jonny some of my work as my submission for the degree show catalogue. He liked two of my images (see below)
my work
He suggested perhaps combining them, and playing around with some of the colour functions in photoshop. After a few hours fiddeling we managed to reach this:

First test (my work)

He then told me to continue tweaking it it Photoshop and to show him once I had something I was happy with. I finally settled on the below image, where I think the image as a whole is more powerful than the one ontop, and the off red allowing to see the complete design of the background image.

Final Submission for degree show catalogue, to be submitted on monday

However the day came to a bad end when I had my presentation document meeting with Alexandra. I brought in my presentation document (a book, the scans of which are plastered all over this blog) to show her. Alexandra looked at the book, and told me that I had misunderstood the entire concept of the presentation document. It seems that weeks ago there was a second meeting, shortly after the introduction (here) where a guideline document was handed out. This document I do not have. By the end of the talk I had come to the conclusion that I could either rewrite the entire thing in either a new book or blog format. Or I could try to edit my old one, which would prove very difficult as the only way to do so would be to physically add more pages to the book itself. Alexandra expressing that she would like to see certain elements from my old book carried through, I decided that I would do a blog. That way I will be able to scan in the images of my book and reuse them later, instead of them being a complete waste of time. Below are some of the notes I took:

scan of my sketchbook (ignore the green writing)

When my tutorial was over I left feeling quite empty inside, that changed to anger/frustration at the fact that all the work I had put into my old presentation document (56 A3 pages) was more or less a waste of time. Now not only do I have to struggle with my FMP being very behind, now I basically have to redo my presentation document. I am going to go home and sleep, I can't deal with any more bad news at the moment.

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