Sunday, 29 April 2012

FMP IV - science

Today I worked late into the night, on my next poster, the theme of which is science. I started around 4 o-clock and worked late into the wee hours of the morning.
photograph of my science poster

Now to the trained eye it might look like I am working from a kitchen and not from a studio... to this I have to say that not only are you correct, but you also have a keen eye for kitchen table tops. The main body of my FMP drawing is done in my kitchen, this is for a number of reasons. One being that I like to work into the night (something I cannot do as our studios close at 19:00, though that has now been changed to 21:00). The second reason is that if I were to work in the studios at this point I would get too distracted by my peers, a bit antisocial yes, but! this way I get more work done. The last reason is that there is a coffee machine and fridge in my kitchen, making it possible for me to eat/drink while working. I would have gone broke a long time ago if I had to buy from Costa everytime I fancied a tea of coffee.

6 hours later my poster looked like this:
photograph of my science poster

All in all I am quite happy with my progress today... though I am quite a bit sleep deprived.

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