Thursday, 26 April 2012

Guest Speaker - Tozzy Bridger

The day started with another degree show meeting, I dont honestly know why though (Pete already demonstrated how to hand our work, what else could be left?) though this time it was with Jonny.

Scans from my sketchbook

The meeting started off with Jonny telling us about some events which are going to happen after the FMP hand in deadline on the 18th of May. For example there will be an illustration day out to the Isle of Wight on the on 19th, as a chance for all of us to enjoy the end of our project. There was also some practical advice for the degree show, which can be seen above. Jonny also mentioned that we needed to fill out a brief form stating what our degree show is, and what we will require if anything.

Our tutor Derek also introduced to us the concept of a identity for our degree show. The last years one was "VIVA" Illustration. They showed us the cover they intend to use for our degree show catalogue. They had chosen a painting of the earth seen from space, done by fellow student Simon. Personally I do not exactly like this image, but at this point I do not want to bring it up. The tutors also mentioned that we should think of something to use as a title, and that at a follow up meeting where we will vote on a title.

We were also visited by print maker Tozzy Bridger
Tozzy Bridger (

scan from my sketchbook (and a doodle of Tozzy)

Tozzy's talk focused mainly on her implementation of nature in her work, how she would use found objects (such as leaves) as texture and layering tools. She was particularly keen on explaining to us how she has begun using photoshop in combination with her physical prints, and how when combined it makes previewing techniques and colours easier.

After her meeting I went to the print room and tried to print the poster I drew yesterday (see last post). The result was pleasing as it proved that the ZIG pens work like a charm, and that if I use them I will be able to cut my work time in half (as I no longer need to retrace the images I draw). I did a little dance of joy as I saw the print work and specifically how clear the thin lines were. I need to get my hand on as many of these pens as possible because with these I can actually see myself being able to complete all my posters.

just making sure you know this image is mine... I need to write this for PD reasons

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