Thursday, 23 February 2012

FMP Proposal

Doodle from my old PD book

Below is the document I submitted to Jonny as my final major project proposal.

My FMP proposal document
Scan from my old PD book

Personal work from 2008 (pen and ink drawing) A4 size

 Personal work from 2009 (pen and ink drawing) A4 size

 Fig. 1 below
Personal work from 2011 (pen and ink) A1 size

Fig. 2 below

 Personal work from 2011 (pen and ink) A1 size
Fig. 3 below
Personal work from 2011 (screenprint) A1 size

I have been working on this style for a few years, and the enthusiasm I got from Ceri and Derek (tutors) towards this style propelled me to want to develop it further for my Final Major Project. Not only because I personally enjoy working in this style (Jonny having warned me that the images need to be relevant) but also because it will allow me to have a timeline of development (as briefly demonstrated above). All I need now is to select my themes. I began by writing down human creations that came to mind (not specific inventions, but more broad subjects so I wont get bored while doing all the research).

Scan from my old PD book, and a random doodle

I will now leave those topics for a few days just to make sure I want to pursue them. Once I have 1 or two I will begin gathering the research so that I can begin the image itself. This is going to be my Final Major Project as it is right now. Though it may change slightly as the weeks go by (something we have been warned about is more than likely), I cannot imagine the essence of the project is going to change that much. Right now my hope is to produce 10 A1 posters and a small book where the images will have been shrunk down to around A4 or A3 size. At this stage I know that there will be a lot of work involved. But I am confident that as long as I pace myself, and nothing strange happens (as it did over Christmas) I will be able to get it done in time to a good quality. I feel slightly annoyed that I cannot just begin drawing right away from memory and imagination, I do see Jonny's point of it all needing to be relevant, but it still frustrates me a little bit. Oh well I still have some leftover pancakes.

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