Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Week 1

Schedule Scan for the first week

Following with my original idea of using a blog to create my PD (presentation document). I looked back on the blog I created in my 2nd year. A screenshot of which is below:
 Screenshot of my website from October 2011
Obviously this is a bit simple and needs to be updated to look a bit more sleek. The website has not been developed since the short tutorial with our guest tutor Chris Aran, partly because blogging has never really been my strong point... and because I spent more time focusing on my deviant art account (concordedly at I feel that if I am successful in creating a blog for my PD, it is something I could continue with after university. Something I would enjoy doing, and I could imagine that it might be a good networking device... or at least something potentially impressive to show a client.

I have been told to come up with a presentation document title/theme for the 6th of February, something I am slightly worried about as I have no real idea of a possible topic. Furthermore it has been confirmed that we are all going to hang some of our work in the Bargate Monument gallery in two weeks time. The main body of which will consist of our work from our Negotiated Study project, though I will have to create a third layer for my posters, otherwise I would be a bit embarrassed to display the. As far as the theme for my FMP goes I only have the notion that I would like to do screenprints for it.

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