my final design for entertainment poster
I asked my flat mates, Jenny, Jenny (also known as Number 2), Chanie (yes I have three flat mates that basically have the same name and are clones of each other) as well as a neighbor Sam to look at my posters and asked them what themes they were about. Their response was positive all guessing the subject of the posters and quite a few of the elements. They were quite impressed and it made me quite happy that the posters seem to be working so far. Sam commented that he enjoyed that the many elements of each individual poster and their different positions wanted him to keep engaging with the image and look at it from many different angles. Their comments made me happy as I wanted to create posters where you could view them from almost any angle and still get the message, and they seemed to prove that I had achieved this. I look forward to printing this, though I am concerned that it will come out well (especially the small lines) as the pens must be drying out now.
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