Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Catalogue Photograph

Today we had a group photograph taken, which would be used for the degree show catalogue. This did not take very long, and consisted of us standing in lines in the studio with the picture being taken by Rosi, one of the photography tutors.

After that we all (the 3rd year illustration students) met for a fundraiser meeting, mainly to talk about how we were going to run Lenons on wednesday. Our tutor Derek managed to hire out the club so that me may use it to try and raise some money for our degree show. We assigned some people to make posters/fliers and a few others to hand them out. I was given the job of passing out a few in all the student dorms in the south end of Southampton.

After lunch we had a meeting with all the Illustration students about something called the Unsinkable Press, an independent small press created by the tutors.

 scan from my notebook

After introducing the press to us, they asked us if any of us had anything we would like to print there. This talk, although slightly relevant for the 3rd years, was more intended for the first two years, as they will have time to plan and create projects for the press.

Afterwards the 3rd years held a vote to decide on our identity for our degree show (as mentioned here). We were all asked to write down 3 suggestions, which would then be put into a pile, which we would all vote for later. 
scan from my sketchbook

After 2 hours of almost pointless bickering we somehow got to the word "boyant" or "boyancy". Though boyant was the one with the greatest number of votes, it was not exactly popular. The tutors will return to us when they have the print files of the catalogue, where we have one final chance to make changes. Though I am not really a fan of boyant, I was glad that we didnt settle for "unsinkable" which I feel would just be a pale copy of the tutors unsinkable press. This catalogue is ours and it should stay that way. 

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