Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Pointless Poster

Scan from my old PD book
Final Pointless Poster

This poster was actually taken a few days later from the print room where a few of my peers (Kelvin, Ken and Nate) did the printing, however for the purposes of continuity I have inserted it here. After coming back from the print room I spent the rest of the day drawing on my army tin (see Side Project - Tin 1). I did not finish it, but I was happy with the little work I did get done. As far as the pointless posters go, there again has been very low support by our peers. There seem to be a few dedicated ones that always show up in the studios, help with side projects and you actually recognize. I sometimes feel that it sums up our course, a lot of students working together, but only a select few with any sense of community. I never quite worked out why this is, but I have always noted that most of my peers, including myself, never really go out and do things together. This makes me a bit melancholy as I feel that when I leave the course I won't see many of them ever again.

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Tutorial - Jonny

Sketch of my Pointless Poster 
For the final image see next post.

I was glad to see how positive Jonny was for my self promotion idea. It was a nice little pick up that keep me smiling for the rest of the day. I began my research for my FMP today. I started out by doing some research for the WAR poster. Looking for different iconic images or objects which I feel that I could use to represent war without using words.

The first thing I stumbled across when I put in war in google was the list of the worlds 10 most bloody conflicts. - war

Looking at this and from my memory of doing history, I felt that instead of taking the whole concept of war throughout the ages, I would focus on more modern ones. This was partly because the topic of war would have been too broad to do in just 1 poster, and that most people (including myself) would be more familiar with the modern conflicts. I began by searching through the internet for iconic images I associated with war. For example:

Lord Kitcheners iconic I want you poster, I chose this because it is an image recognizable by almost everyone, as it has a been referenced a lot in popular culture in the last few years.

or Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima. I chose this one as it is one of the most memorable and most published pictures that came out of the Second World War.

These were but two examples of the images I compiled, the rest I will write down as a list to save memory.

The Hiroshima Atomic Bomb, it being the first time an atomic bomb was ever actively used as a weapon.

Raising a flag over the Reichstag, the iconic image of a soviet flag being raised over German parliament nearing the end of World War II

The Fat Man atom bomb, the first military grade atom bomb, and iconically remembered in popular culture.

The Cenotaph London Whitehall, as I am in England I felt that I should have Brtiain's most famous war memorial (specifically modern war though).

The clenched revolutionary fist, a popular symbol of opposition and often connected with communist uprisings in South American and Africa.

An image of Coalition tanks driving through the Swords of Qādisīyah، and Hands of Victory. a symbol of Coalition victory against Saddam Hussein.

I chose not to include the September 11, 2001 attack on the world trade center, as I did not want the poster to have the connotation of terrorism, but rather just that of war. I suspect that if I were to add this image people would think of war, see the picture of the world trade center and then suggest terrorism.

Image of a Bell Huey helicopter dropping down troops in the Vietnam war, where it became one of the worlds most recognized flying machines.

These were the images I selected and that I will incorporate into the poster. All need to do now is create a few sketches and once that is done I can start drawing them down on drafting film.

I found doing the research rather tedious, as I would rather put pen to paper... eh plastic and get cracking, but since this is my FMP I have to be sure that I know what I am drawing.

Monday, 27 February 2012

Side Project - Pointless Advert

Scan from my old PD book

First sketch of my pointless advert
On a side note the Kr, on the label is the Danish currency the Crown. 

Scan from my old PD book

 Final submission for the pointless advert.

This was a fun side project done as part of one of my course mate Will's drive to promote our London trip fundraiser. He had asked us all in the studios if we wanted to create a pointless advert and submit it to him, the idea being to create a small booklet.  Apparently peer response for this one was low, which although disappointing, is not that surprising since there seems to be a lot of "missing students" who we rarely see these days. Then again it was something that only required a few hours effort and in the end looked quite good. I have not seen the final yet, but Will did show me the Photoshop file where what he had so far was laid out.

There is another project bouncing around called pointless posters, a similar concept, but where we create pointless posters to try and sell at a local night club. All in all a great way to try and push our degree show and FMP beyond Southampton and into London. I have to present my Self Promotion project idea to Jonny tomorrow, hopefully he will like my box idea. It does frustrate me that I cannot find a picture from the Danish National Gallery where I got the box idea from (mentioned here).

Saturday, 25 February 2012

Side Project - Tin 1

Today I decided to being work on my FMP, as a warm up b I decided to create a quirky little artifact. The underlying thought is that it will serve as some sort of business card holder or eye catcher at our degree show, just something extra to make my display stand out a bit.

 Bullet tin from my room, having served me as a pencil box for the last 2 years

Scan from my old PD book
Bullet tin after spray painying

It took forever for the tin to dry, meaning I was unable to do any actual drawing, which disappointed me as I had hope to do quite a bit on it. On a side note people give you very strange looks when you ask whether they sell spray paint, at the end of the day I discovered that Gamesworkshop is the best place to buy it, or at least the friendliest. I will spend the next few days adding a bit here and there whenever I have the time. There is no planned design and I see it more as an exercise for my imagination and practice for the upcoming FMP... even though those images all have to be carefully planned. Stupid rain, making my have to spray paint in the kitchen, flat mates gave me a few funny looks for that.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

FMP Proposal

Doodle from my old PD book

Below is the document I submitted to Jonny as my final major project proposal.

My FMP proposal document
Scan from my old PD book

Personal work from 2008 (pen and ink drawing) A4 size

 Personal work from 2009 (pen and ink drawing) A4 size

 Fig. 1 below
Personal work from 2011 (pen and ink) A1 size

Fig. 2 below

 Personal work from 2011 (pen and ink) A1 size
Fig. 3 below
Personal work from 2011 (screenprint) A1 size

I have been working on this style for a few years, and the enthusiasm I got from Ceri and Derek (tutors) towards this style propelled me to want to develop it further for my Final Major Project. Not only because I personally enjoy working in this style (Jonny having warned me that the images need to be relevant) but also because it will allow me to have a timeline of development (as briefly demonstrated above). All I need now is to select my themes. I began by writing down human creations that came to mind (not specific inventions, but more broad subjects so I wont get bored while doing all the research).

Scan from my old PD book, and a random doodle

I will now leave those topics for a few days just to make sure I want to pursue them. Once I have 1 or two I will begin gathering the research so that I can begin the image itself. This is going to be my Final Major Project as it is right now. Though it may change slightly as the weeks go by (something we have been warned about is more than likely), I cannot imagine the essence of the project is going to change that much. Right now my hope is to produce 10 A1 posters and a small book where the images will have been shrunk down to around A4 or A3 size. At this stage I know that there will be a lot of work involved. But I am confident that as long as I pace myself, and nothing strange happens (as it did over Christmas) I will be able to get it done in time to a good quality. I feel slightly annoyed that I cannot just begin drawing right away from memory and imagination, I do see Jonny's point of it all needing to be relevant, but it still frustrates me a little bit. Oh well I still have some leftover pancakes.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

National Insurance

Scan from my old PD book
The day started with me waking up at an ungodly hour to make pancakes, while my flat mates decorated the kitchen. When the birthday girl Jenny work we had a nice breakfast of singing German birthday songs (something I will try very hard to forget) and eating pancakes.

photograph of my tasty pancakes

Afterwards I walked down to the job center in Southampton to have an interview confirming I am not some sort of identity thief... or terrorist or something. I did not really know what to expect from the interview, there were security guards everywhere in the waiting room, and then an old Indian lady asked me some questions while we chatted away about her funny stories when doing interviews, something I am not allowed to share as she informed me that MI6 would then have to kill me.

I spent the rest of the day typing up the FMP proposal, which I will submit tomorrow (to see document look at the next post). Afterwards I went over to one of my friends from dorms and played xbox. To be more specific Call of Duty World at War shooting Nazi zombies, and lets be honest who doesn't enjoy shooting those.

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Ceri FMP tutorial

Scan from my old PD

Today went very well because, though late, I now have my FMP topic (as seen here). I can now move ahead with my final major project, and although we have quite a few meetings and events coming up, I feel confident that I can now go ahead and gets some real work done. I have said it before and I will say it again I do not understand why during our FMP we have so many meetings that are not related to our degree. That reminds me I need to make some pancakes, as its my flat mates birthday tomorrow. In Denmark you get pancakes for breakfast on your birthday... and if I make them tomorrow it will be an excuse for me to eat some as well.

Monday, 20 February 2012

Website Workshop

Taken from my old PD book
 Taken from my old PD book

My website:
Screenshot of my website

1.  Title of the website
2. Personal information and contact details
3. each of the three images opens a new page with my work displayed on it (see exmple below)
Scan from my old PD
screenshot from the commisions section of my website

                                                                 Scan from my old PD

 screenshot from the about section of my website
 Scan from my old PD

Overall the website workshop with Chris Arran went well, I was expecting it to be a waste of time as we have already had this workshop with him in the 1st or 2nd year. Despite having a similar workshop in the past, it was a good chance to touch up my website and keep it up to date with some of my new work. Arran was a able to look at our website critically, make suggestions, for example one for me was to have  a lighter background otherwise the contrast between image and website would be too great. He was also able to supply us with a few good links and tips on how to keep a blog running, for example making sure to state why you think a work is bad or good, and not just make a statement out of the blue. I like cake!. It felt nice to get a more professional website up and running, one which I would feel comfortable using to promote myself, instead of my old wishy washy one.

Scan from my old PD

He told us how the tutors would first grade our degree show, then he would do the same and by comparing the marks they would reach an agreed grade. He also stated if there was a big difference between the grades we may be asked to come in for an interview, to give him a better idea of what mark we deserve. He then asked us if there were any things we wanted for him to ask from the tutors. A few things were thrown around such as longer studio hours, and weekend access.

On a side note it was rather strange when I suggested for some more photoshop tutorials, something which has been very lacking in the past 2 years. I feel this would be very beneficial as it is industry standard, something we need to know, but that most of us don. However when I suggested this a fellow course mate, decided to take offense to this for some reason. He started saying that I should do so by asking for help from the other students and that he could "help me out, if I need it". I do not quite follow how asking for software education from a learning institute I pay to teach me is wrong, and that a better alternative is to ask a fellow having a go at me is a better idea. I do not quite understand how a room full of people who have complained about lack of photoshop teaching did not back me up when we had a chance to change it, but oh well. Anyway despite the external examiner giving us a few funny looks during this... verbal exchange, the meeting seemed to go well. I was nice to know that like our dissertation an external tutor will be assessing us as well as our regular tutors.

Sunday, 19 February 2012

FMP - Topic choice

 Taken from my old PD

Today was spent reflecting on my choice of topic for my FMP, while I now have selected a FMP title, I am nervous whether the tutors will accept it. But I am more confident  this time that it will be met with approval as I have put some more thought into it compared to last time (here). Jonny's main point last time was that there was little "point" to my project, this time I think because there is an underlying theme  Jonny will be more impressed. However I have learned that predicting a tutors reaction is like trying to get money from your dad. You will get it eventually, but there is a lot of confusion, frustration and the sense that perhaps you might have been better of asking someone else. Nevertheless I guess we shall see. I took the rest of the day off (I say day, as it is more or less night time) relaxing by gaming with my brother in Denmark and watching amusing things on youtube.

such as Bill Bailey's German hokey cokey:

youtube (bill bailey - das hokey cokey)

Saturday, 18 February 2012

FMP - Ideas

Taken from my old PD, and Sketchbook
Now that my part in the Exhibition is over, save for the takedown on Monday (not looking forward to that), I should focus on figuring out what I am going to do for my FMP. The past few weeks I feel I have been very busy with the exhibition and creating merchandise for it, that I have neglecting thinking about my FMP. I feel very frustrated that there seems to be so many distractions for this our last project, when the previous one was much more relaxed in terms of lectures and other university obligations. Jonny reminded me that I still need to submit a proposal, so I need to get that done today. I went home and spent a few hours thinking and jotted down some notes on possibly topics. It was literally me sitting in a chair with a cup of tea and a pencil writing down whatever came to mind. For example I considered redoing a comic I created during A-levels as a way of demonstrating my development at university. Ultimately despite my ideas (see above) I did not pick one, as I am a bit unsure if they would qualify for the FMP. I will try to set up a meeting with one of the tutors to run the ideas past them and then decide where to go from there, once this is done I will submit a proposal and get cracking.

Friday, 17 February 2012

Bargate Duty

Taken from my old PD book

The supeverising went well enough, we had almost 100 guests, and we made the most money in a single day, since the private viewing. The day consisted of Lucy, Claudia and I for the first 3 hours sitting around keeping an eye on things, and around 2 or 3 o-clock Claudia was replaced with Rebecca. The gallery was cold and the lack of a working toilet made it a bit miserable. There were some nice moments where a few interested people came in and started asking about the work. Though the money we have raised so far is not nearly enough to reach our target of about 3000 pounds to have a London degree show, it was nice to be able to say we made more in our day than the others. After standing in that old building for  6 hours, your realized two things: A. we should really have worn some warmer clothes, and we should have brought some form of entertainment, such as a radio. The Bargate Exhibition served as a good template for our own upcoming degree show. Teaching us the importance of advertisement (as one of the patrons visiting told us that although he was impressed with the exhibition it "was unclear where it was and what exactly was being displayed"). It also gave us some practical experience in hanging and indeed how to try and sell some of our merchandise. On the whole it was a good experience, the lessons of which we will have to remember for next time.Though the exhibition was not really helpful in terms and creating a FMP, but more in terms of planning the degree show.

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Parent visit

Today I spent the day with my parents, though they did leave fairly early. We spent most of our time just catching up and hearing our various stories from the last few months. It was a happy coincidence they decided to show up yesterday instead of tomorrow, as I would have been stuck in the Bargate supervising for the day. I am not exactly looking forward to supervising it tomorrow for a double (all day) shift. There have been problems with turnout, as only a part of the course has shown up to set up the exhibition and even fewer have volunteered to man it. It does make me question why people are here if they cannot even be bothered to show up for lessons or any of our extra events. There have been some grumblings that if the London show happens, certain people who have not helped out will not be given a space. Oh well it is not my problem whether someone decided to pay 12000 pounds for a 3 year education they cannot even be bothered to show up for.

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Guest - Paul Osborne

Today we had our life drawing tutor Paul Osborne (site) give a talk about his experience as an artist after graduation university. Unfortunately I could not find a single image of him anywhere... but oh well chances are that the tutor reading this (yes you) will know him.

scan of my old PD, and sketchbook

He showed us extensive sketches which formed the book "Pilgrimage : An Artist's Journey from Mount Athos to Tibet" (see cover below) - Pilgrimage

Though interesting Paul's speech served for myself mainly to consider what I might want to do after I finish my degree. Such as whether I want to do a bit of traveling and get some world experience. I do hope to get a job after university or study for another year to get a masters.  He put some perspective on the illustration world 20-30 years ago and how it has severely changed now, mainly concerning the implementation of digital programs, such as Photoshop. I have found that illustration seems to be less focused on actual drawing or print skill, but more on conceptual creativity. I find this very strange, there is something to be said about the new ways of trying to develop your own style, but at the same time I feel that years ago you were given better tools to practice the trade. Paul also went on to explain how many of the old traditional jobs such as in house illustrators have become obsolete, giving us perhaps a harsh reminder that its a tough world we are going to go out in once we are done with education. That art directors have such a choice of artists these days that the competition has increased, making it harder for us to get into the market. The talk was a nice break from the routine of coursework and FMP but I did not find it very useful for the project itself. Afterwards Paul held an open lifedrawing session, to which I went. However while waiting for it to start I go a phone call from my dad. The strange thing being that my parents had showed up in England unannounced, wanting to see me.

The rest of the day I spent with my parents catching up, and showing them the Bargate Exhibition. I was staggered that they actually showed up without any warning. It was also quite lucky that they arrived when I was not in a lecture or it was my turn to keep any eye on the exhibition. I gave me a nice break from University work and a good way to relax.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Second Presentation Document Talk

 scan of my first PD
The meeting with Alexandra was informative, but I did not find it very helpful at this point, as I have not really done much on my presentation document yet. To be honest I feel that I am very behind on my FMP. Jonny has reminded me that I have still not submitted a proposal, after he shot my last idea down (first proposal), and the deadline for the proposal has already passed. I feel that there has been so much going on with the guest speakers and getting things prepared for the Bargate Exhibition that I have had little time to reflect on what I want to do for my FMP. I did speak to Ceri today raising this as a concern and she convinced me to sit down for a few uninterrupted hours and just jot down some ideas. Once I have done this I will find her again just to ask for some opinions and hopefully come up with a proposal.

Monday, 13 February 2012

Bargate Exhibition

Today we all met up at 10:00 at the Bargate Monument Gallery with our work ready for hanging. The actual hanging of my work was very simple, after being assigned a space it was a simple matter of measuring up some nails and then attaching the picture with bulldog clips. I did not really see what the reason for me being there at 10:00 was as it only took 20 minutes or so for me to be done.
We are hoping for a good turnout this week while we are open, as we have circulated posters all across campus and the student dorms.We have not had good turnout to our events in the past, even today quite a few students from our course were missing, but since this is an actual exhibition I think we should be able to pull in quite a few people off the street (especially when we hit the weekend).
The poster circulated, created by Kelvin of our course.
As I say it did not take long for me to hang up my work, however I along with course mate Lucy were put in charge of setting up the shop. Where hopefully we would be able to sell quite a few artifacts, aw we are only raising money from the shop and the bar (though only on the private view) that would be our main source of income. Why we decided not to charge for drink I will never know, people might donate 20p when getting a beer, but if we sold them for a pound we would have made so much more money. The people invited for the private view are all friends and family after all, its not like they wont be staying for a drink anyway. Lucy and I spent most of the day running around town picking up small decorations and odd tidbits to decorate the shop. Setting up the shop itself was fun, and despite the low turnout for set up, there was a good atmosphere while all the work was going on. By the end of the day I was impressed by the speed in which it was all put together. Though there were some minor issues we hope will not present themselves at the degree show itself (such as the one and only toilet over flooding and being unusable), and extra time to refine certain things. There were other lessons to pick up for our degree show: such as what kind of hanging techniques to avoid (bulldog clips are not very elegant if you ask me) and the importance of contrast when hanging different work.

This gave me a clearer idea of what I can expect come degree show time and what to begin planning for. We will be given a space somewhere in our studios (we have been told faux walls will be erected to give more hanging space) and be allowed to more or less do with what we want, though we are not clear on when we will be told all this. One of the main lessons I took to heart is to not use bulldog clips to hang my work. Though effective, I find them quite crude and not very appealing to the eye. One of the tutors was talking about using magnets, that is certainly something to consider, as it would be easy to use and leave the images free from any damage once taken down. Below are some photos of the Bargate gallery as we are setting it up.

Scans from my old PD book
The private view went well. It was freezing in there, as the heating doesn't seem to be working, and the bargate being an old drafty building didn't help. I will remember to bring warm clothes when I am doing my shift watching the show. I can imagine that getting a bit boring, but oh well if it gets slow I will bring a book or something.