Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Presentation Document Briefing

            Today we had a guest speaker named Alexandra, who came in to tell us about a project that will run parallel with our FMP. She explained to us that we will have to create a workbook or blog in which we record our work for the Final Major Project and all the background work that went into it. This sounds a lot like the way we were meant to record our work during my time in the International Baccalaureate. Though somewhat tedious I do see the point and the benefits of running this while working on our FMP. Not only as a means of recording our work, but also as a way of looking back and reflecting on why we are doing well... what we are doing for our FMP.
Scan of the Presentation Document Brief
My first response to the this talk was something along the lines of this:
Doodle taken from my sketch book, on the day.

Surprisingly the talk did not focuse on plagiarism, as I suspect the presentation document is a means of preventing... which is fair enough. Rather it was more about creating a work book to detail our progress in the Final Major Project.

Note taken from my first attempt at a Presentation Document

                Alexandra mentioned that a further talk would be given in about 2 weeks time giving us some time to prepare some of our Presentation Document (PD), and to further explaing the finer points of what we need to include. We have been instructed to use our last project (negotiated study) as a practise for the PD. We have been asked to show this in two weeks as a means for Alexandra to give us some feedback and catch any mistakes or issues that may arrise... in other words give us a better understanding of what the presentation document is all about.

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