Sunday, 18 March 2012

Recovery and Takashi Murakami

Today I finally feel well enough to function normally... more or less, the voice is still giving my trouble. I was able to post all the remaining Self promotion packets. I was a bit disappointed that I was not able to attend the feedback session held on Friday but oh well...

My course mate Nicole commented (online )that the style of my tin (Side Project - Tin completed) reminded her of Takashi Murakami's work. So I decided to look some of it up, below are some examples of his work:
Takashi Murakami "Who's Afraid of Red, Yellow, Blue and Death" (2010) from

Takashi Murakami "Reversal DNA" (2001) from
scan of my own work

At first I did not understand how my friend could have compared my work to his, as I did not really see any similarity, especially in terms of colour. However upon closer inspection I started to see what she meant. I do see a certain likeness in the linework, the variation of negative and filled space, and mostly the variation of thick and thin lines. To be brutally honest although I do like the colour found in Murakami's work and could not find any real source of inspiration for my FMP in his work. On the whole I find his work a bit boring, though imaginative and eyecatching I get bored with the subject quickly. My mind struggles to find a deeper meaning or any sort of interest trick, that being said I do find his Who's Afraid of Red, Yellow, Blue and Death to be visually pleasing. There seems to be no real theme to his work, and although that might have been perfect for me in the past, that is no longer the case, as the FMP has to follow a theme with relevant contents. 

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